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元創設計立足於高雄,放眼於世界 我們主要為客戶建立CIS,為企業建置商務網站 不僅設計,還幫客戶行銷 企業之所以能生存,靠的不僅是設計力,而是如何管理與執行 而設計是行銷的一環 元創設計正朝向為企業創造品牌與行銷市場 以設計的思維來延伸觸角,以網路通路做為媒界,管理思維進行資源整合 有別於一些設計公司 我們要做的,不是只有美感和設計力,也不是只有創意 而是一種能以最小人力創造極大獲利的商業模式 為我們的客戶,為元創設計的每一份子。 公司旗下網站: 官方網站:http://www.design-in.tw -我們的能力和思維 在這裡你可以看見。 意靚室內裝潢設計網:http://www.y-liang.com - 公司室內設計與裝潢部門的對外發聲網站。 +7全民打工網:http://www.7partime.cc - 於99年3月 正式推出試營運的人力資源網站 它只是開始,而相關的業務正在進行,正在發生。 如果你(妳)很有創意思維 不甘於只做「美工」的角色,元創設計是你的舞台 因為我們要的不是「美工」而是設計師 歡迎有設計思維、設計實務、設計抱負的泥你妳.. 加入我們元創設計的行列 不能吃苦、沒有膽識、只有「興趣」的你請不要加入我們 我們要的人材不只是有「興趣於設計」 而是願意一同給客戶希望的設計師
本公司為食品批發業,專營各類小吃批發全省配送。 本公司網址:http://eatart.ez-show.com/in/front/bin/home.phtml 部落格:http://tw.myblog.yahoo.com/jw!g0nhXeeAGRQN7Wl8ioEJjjnXyq1BusWCZg-- 公司地址:新北市八里區頂寮一街28號5樓(關渡橋旁)
不斷地充實與經驗的累積,「蒲公英數位創意」漸漸地成長茁壯。我們傾聽客戶的需求,將您的要求「put in」在數位創意的世界裡。我們為您提供專業的行銷企劃案,將您想對外傳遞的想法,讓「蒲公英數位創意」為您散播出去。 藉由長期的經驗累積、實際的服務品質和效益,已獲得合作客戶的支持,讓「蒲公英數位創意」在2007年10月正式成立。我們秉持著「專業技術」的基礎、「精緻創意」的優勢、「整合行銷」的關鍵;成功地為許多各行業服務。客戶可藉由我們專業的團隊,在虛擬的網路空間傳遞訊息,達到實質消費市場的行銷效益,進而提升該品牌價值。此刻,讓我們一起「乘著夢想起飛」吧! 官方網站: www.put-in.com.tw 諮詢電話:(02)22266676
銀河互動網路 創辦於1998年,是台灣原創數位技術的領先公司,數年來結合創意與實務執行經驗、是一個勇於創新與專業兼顧、虛擬和實體並存的全方位數位行銷服務公司,我們重視數位世界裡的人文特質,累積數位化資訊經驗、研發數位傳播技術、創新各種專業工具,以人為圓心,創意為半徑,結合數位與實體,提供國內大型企業多樣化的數位整合行銷服務。 壯大是累積出來的,銀河今日的一切,源自數位時代原生的熱情,自1998年原創全球華人第一個網路電台揭開銀河的數位世界至今,旗下擁有百餘個數位內容網站,除了為商業客戶提供數位整合行銷服務之外,集團內並擁有衛星公司專事教育內容數位化工程,以最好的師資,配合自有的數位攝影棚與數位媒體專才,讓每位學子得以享用數位時代的豐碩結纍;而1998年開播的銀河網路電台, 8年來專訪過的歌手是不計其數,已是全球華人網路電台的第一把交椅;今年最紅的iTRY試用情報王,則是以“免費試用”為號召,以小眾社群之姿,一年招募了10萬會員,流通的試用品總數,突破30萬份,媒體報導不斷:中天新聞台、中天今晚哪裡有問題、中視我猜我猜我猜猜猜、華視新聞雜誌、大愛電台…。 從數位內容到數位行銷,銀河以紮實的專業技術為根基,不斷蒂結商業行銷之新意,現在正是收穫的季節,我們歡迎更多生力軍的加入! Google搜尋結果 搜尋關鍵字『銀河』:http://goo.gl/5gsGn 搜尋關鍵字『網路電台』:http://goo.gl/ngbWI 公司網站 銀河網路內容總站 - http://www.iwant-in.net 銀河網路電台 - http://www.iwant-radio.com 音樂博物館 - http://www.iwant-radio.com/museum.php?ln=big iCD 銀河愛音樂 - http://www.iwant-music.com iTRY 試用情報王 - http://www.itry.com.tw iPavo 個人影音媒體 - http://www.ipavo.com 兩岸華人大學院校數位畢業聯展 - http://gradexpo.iwant-in.net 地址資訊 公司地址:台北市內湖區內湖路一段91巷17號3F-5(珠寶大樓,聯發科大樓旁) 公司地圖:http://goo.gl/yZdg
1985設立, 攜帶型牙刷產銷 2合1旅遊牙膏刷 獨特 新奇 方便 實用 1. 攜帶方便,旅行登山露營、上班上學、中午飯後 皆適用,隨身良伴。 2. 旋轉後端旋紐即可將適當量之牙膏擠到刷毛處。 3. 填充牙膏非常方便,打開後端封蓋即可將自己喜歡用的牙膏擠入,填充滿可使用 20~30次。 循環使用。 4. 有顯示牙膏容量視窗。 詳細請進 http://www.2-in-1.com.tw
Amer Sports (www.amersports.com) is the world’s leading sports equipment company with internationally recognized brands including Salomon, Wilson, Precor, Atomic, Suunto, Acr’teryx, Mavic and Bonfire. Amer Sports Group develops and manufactures technically advanced products that improve the performance of active sports participants. The Group’s business is balanced by our broad portfolio of sports and our presence in all major markets. To support the tremendous business growth, Amer Sports Group has established a HK based sourcing office, Amer Sports Sourcing Limited, to lead all Asia sourcing operations of its brands. Amer Sports Asia Sourcing is now looking for high caliber candidates with a passion for sports to join and grow with the Company for below listed vacancy.
Our company is a manufacturer for produced the Aluminum and stainless steel propellers for sales in the wordwide have 30 years old. As a well-known company in these fairs. we had own’s brand for sales in the word.
Morningstar, Inc. is a leading provider of independent investment research in North America, Europe, Australia, and Asia. We offer an extensive line of Internet, software, and print-based products and services for individuals, financial advisers, and institutions. Morningstar provides data on approximately 350,000 investment offerings, including stocks, mutual funds, and similar vehicles, along with real-time global market data on more than 4 million equities, indexes, futures, options, commodities, and precious metals, in addition to foreign exchange and Treasury markets. We have operations in 20 countries and minority ownership positions in companies based in two other countries. Morningstar Asia was established in Hong Kong in 2000 and launched its investing Web site in September of that year. Soon after, Morningstar Asia launched Web sites in China, Taiwan, Korea, Japan, Malaysia, and Singapore. The Web sites offer access to and objective information about investment funds available to individual investors. The sites also provide independent editorial content produced by Morningstar analysts and journalists based in Asia and around the world. In addition to the investing sites, Morningstar Asia offers a range of innovative products and services to advisers and institutions, including Morningstar® Adviser Workstation™, a comprehensive, Web-based investment planning system; Morningstar Direct™, a Web-based institutional platform providing access to Morningstar’s global databases and investment research; and Morningstar® Licensed Tools and Content, delivering online and dynamic tools and content for investment analysis and tracking.
Like Rotisserie Roast chicken? we got it! like other yummy stuff to go with it? Ha! got that too.Papa Poulet is a take away rostisserie located in Tienmu ,next to Shr Dong Market. We offer an advanced ordering system, simply call up , place your order and pick up at your chosen time. Our full menu can be found here in the photos below. We are open from Tuesday to Sunday 11.30am-8pm, but closed in the afternoon from 2-3:30pm To get there take the MRT to ZhiShan station then the free Tagashimaya shuttle bus to Tagashimaya. We are one block behind Mr Doughnut
Sheencolor has been in cosmetics business for over 20 years. We are the one of the largest cosmetics manufacturer who based in south china.
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